
Friday, January 06, 2006

ain't nobody gonna get me down...

i always thought people wrote blogs for themselves, and of course, with the intention of sharing their lives with friends. and isn't that so? i do not write to please you, nor do i specifically craft my words to suit you just because i think you're reading. i just write what i want to write and what i feel like writing at that moment, and is that so wrong?? to that one person who didn't even have the courage to leave your name (i.e. mr 'anonymous' as he puts it), you're annoying the sh.t out of me. if you have nothing good to say, then don't say nothing. you don't know me, and i don't know you, so lets just keep it that way.

the comments part of my blog is temporarily hidden, until such a time when i again feel comfortable enough to put one up. and i'm sorry for bitching here, cos i've got to say, everyone here has been really great:)... it's just that one person on another blog i'm angry with; argg... and no matter how much i try to psche myself from the title... it certainly isn't completely true. words can be weapons; remember that. they can make you question yourself, make you doubt what you've previously felt sure about, and just simply make you feel like crap.. i know i'm not supposed to let the words of a stranger who has too much time on his hand and who blindly surfs blogs affect me, but it does. why are there such evil people out there who find great joy in saying hurtful things to people they don't even know? thanks so much for affecting my already low confidence. NOT. what can i say? it was already a weak spot in an area muddled with doubt and worry, and you just had to make it worse. someday i'll be stronger, someday i'll be immune; but for now, just let me cry.


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