
Friday, July 21, 2006


i just tried out this game my dad sent me.. and i think its really creepy! satanic even man. i tried three times and it always works!! yikes. YOU TRY!!


  • At 9:39 am, Blogger 2sistas said…

    heya girl! wahahahs.. i know the secret to this.. ALL numbers will end up as a multiple of 9. So, each time they flash the matching sign with number screen, it changes, but, ultimately, all numbers which are multiples of 9 will have the same sign. so, although it seems to read your mind, it all mathematics! u can try thinking of 2 numbers at one time, and both will correspond to the same design, and both will be multiples of 9!


  • At 10:41 pm, Blogger EQuilibrium said…

    Hey hallow! i tried it 3 times too but it didnt get it right even once! :0

  • At 10:42 pm, Blogger EQuilibrium said…

    hey harlow! i tried it 3 times too but it didnt get it right even once! :O


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